argumentum ad jimbo câu
argumentum ad hominem
Argumentum ad hominem (lý lẽ hướng vào cá nhân) Nó cũng thuộc loại Argumentum ad Hominem.

That’s called an Argumentum ad populem, and you should know better.Đó gọi là hạnh thành thục hữu tình, nên biết. Argumentum Ad Hominem...

I replied to an ad from some millionaire.Em đã trả lời cho 1 mẩu quảng cáo từ 1 tay triệu phú. There's a reason that Squire didn't app...

We have detected that you are using an Ad- blocker plugin.Hệ thống nhận thấy rằng bạn đang dùng plugin AdBlock Plus. Well, I'm gratefu...

ad 1
The distribution of the primary Germanic languages in Europe in around AD 1:Phân bố các ngôn ngữ German chính ở châu Âu vào khoảng năm ...

ad 10
They controlled various areas of the northern Indian territory until AD 10.Họ kiểm soát các khu vực khác nhau của lãnh thổ phía Bắc Ấn ...

ad 100
It was founded by the Emperor Trajan around AD 100.Nó được thành lập bởi hoàng đế Trajan khoảng năm 100. It was set up by the Emperor ...

ad 1000
By the year AD 1000, they had started to cultivate maize.Đến năm AD 1000, họ đã bắt đầu tu luyện ngô . By the year AD 1000, they had st...

ad 101
As late as AD 101Report Muộn Với Em 101

ad 104
Well, now historians have found that in AD 104, Vivius Maximus issued an edict that states, “It is essential for all people to return t...

ad 106
The city became part of the Nabataean kingdom until AD 106 when Philadelphia came under Roman control and joined the Decapolis.Thành ph...

ad 11
He held that office until AD 11, and was elected consul for the first time in AD 12.Ông giữ chức vụ đó đến năm 11 và được bầu làm Quan ...

ad 111
The tallest building in the Czech Republic currently is the AZ Tower in Brno, ad 111 meters.Hiện nay toà nhà cao nhất Séc là AZ Tower ở...

ad 114
When Trajan embarked on his Parthian campaign in AD 114, Hadrian once more held a key position, this time as governor of the important ...

ad 115
Wiki states: "In AD 115, large parts of Alexandria were destroyed during the Kitos War, which gave Hadrian and his architect, Decriannu...

ad 118
Rome’s Pantheon is a former Roman temple and is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome, built between AD 118 and 1...

ad 12
He held that office until AD 11, and was elected consul for the first time in AD 12.Ông giữ chức vụ đó đến năm 11 và được bầu làm Quan ...

ad 121
Hadrian and Antoninus Pius held similar celebrations, in AD 121, and in AD 147 and AD 148, respectively.Hadrian và Antoninus Pius cũng ...

ad 125
Map of the Roman empire in AD 125, under emperor Hadrian, showing the Legio III Gallica, stationed at Raphana (Abila, Jordan), in Syria...

ad 130
If you wander toward the top along Hesapçı Sokak, you’ll inevitably come upon the neighborhood’s grand ruin, Hadrian’s Gate, built in A...

ad 132
Across from the Roman Agora, only 16 meters away, is the site of the ancient Library of Hadrian, a complex of buildings founded by Empe...

ad 135
In AD 135, the Roman Emperor Hadrian had the Christian site above the Grotto converted into a place of worship for Adonis, the Greek go...

ad 138
Though the chosen heir, though only in his thirties, suffered from bad health and so Commodus was already dead by 1 January AD 138.Dù đ...

ad 139
By AD 139, the European geographer Ptolemy writes that the "Khuni" are next to the Dnieper River and ruled by "Suni".Vào năm 139, nhà đ...

ad 14
Thanks for RT! 4 minutes agothanks ad! 14 ngày trước Upon his death in AD 14, Augustus was declared a god by the Senate-to be worshippe...